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Terms and Conditions



CRT strives to promote the health, wellbeing and safety for all Participants receiving supports and services


CRT acknowledges all people have the right to accurate, clear and transparent information about exiting
selectability services to inform their decision making


NDIS participants transitioning to or exiting CRT services


CRT PROGRAM acknowledges that each Participant has the right to refuse a service or to leave CRT PROGRAM at any time they choose.

CRT further acknowledges that it may discontinue a service after consultation with the Participant, their family and other important members of their support network if the service is no longer sustainable or appropriate for the individual.

CRT is committed to working with and referring to other community services or Service Providers to meet any unmet needs. Exit procedures will be fair, transparent, follow due process and uphold the rights of the participants. Exit procedures will protect the safety and the integrity of CRT staff, participants, programs and services.

CRT assists people when they exit the service and provides them with sufficient information on how to re-enter the service if/and/or when required

CRT values feedback from people who use its service and will provide access to Complaints and Compliments processes to help inform and improve service access for others. When making a referral to another service for the person, consent from the person will be gained before making the referral Transition Process.


Once an applicant has been offered a placement with CRT the transition process should commence. The aim of transition is to minimise the impact of the changes on the applicant. This can be achieved by creating an environment as similar as possible to the one the individual is currently attending.


Service delivery transition or exit process

The Service Manager will coordinate with Participants stakeholder ABD multidiciplinary team during the transition stay to any of the following programs:

Participants Goals and Aspiration pathway

Assist-Life Stage


Development Life Skills

Participate Community, Support Coordination

Assist Personal Activities & ADLs

Plan Management

Therapeutic Supports

Assistive Prod-Household Task

Group/Centre Activities and Personal Activities High.

Supported Social & Community Participation.


Share living arrangement

The length of a transition will depend on the individual and how well they adapt to the new environment and what service is being provided. The Service Manager is to gather relevant information on the applicant and establish the applicant’s personal folder and enter all relevant information into Client CRT Information Management System.

An assessment of the applicant’s skills will be undertaken and establish the applicant’s individual needs on a deeper level.

CRT Program

Transitional Care Pathway

The CRT transition plan is based on the applicant’s individual needs. Where CRT community support team assist participant’s Goal & Aspirations Program Plan (GAP PLAN) in 90 days with outcome focus. The Case Manager is to spend time with the applicant in their current environment follow up Participants goal pathway .

The aim of this is to learn about the applicant’s activities of daily routine and ways of working with them to fullfill particpants lifestyle choice and ensure the continnum of care suport in the program.

This valuable information can then be shared with staff while Exit process in progress within 90 days time frame as per NDIS transition rules .


An individual may leave CRT for a number of reasons or circumstances including:

Relocation to an area outside CRT’s area of service delivery where the support schedule and service is no longer able to meet the person’s needs or assist in achieving chosen goals.

Transfer to another service provider

Lack of available resources and suitable or appropriate care support needs.

CRT PROGRAM acknowledges that exiting a service provider can be a daunting, stressful and anxious process or people using the service as well as their family members and carers.

CRT ensures that an exit occurs in a professional, planned and collaborative manner.

CRT Program Exit Planning is an integral part of the exit process and is conducted in close consultation with the Participant, and where appropriate the family, Carer and any other important people from the person’s support network. As appropriate to their circumstances, the participant is given information about, referral processes or supported introduction to other service providers, community agencies organisations, which can offer supports and services they require after they have exited CRT.

CRT actively encourages and supports a person to exit its service if a least restrictive alternative or one that is likely to enable positive outcomes and inclusive opportunities is identified and preferred by the Participant. Prior to exiting CRT, Participants are provided guidance and support to:

Investigate other options or models of support from selectability
Explore the consequences of their decision to exit the service
Consider re-entry to the service in the future should their needs or circumstances change
The person, subject to consent, their family or Carer/s and other stakeholders are involved in developing the exit process.

As per CRT Program ‘s Service Agreement all Participants are required to provide a minimum of fourteen (14) days written notice of intention to exit, by email or letter to the Service Manager.

As per CRT’s Service Agreement, selectability must provide a minimum of fourteen (14) days written notice of intention to terminate the agreement, by email or letter to the Participant. The Participant reserves the right to re-access service, within a period of 3 months after formally exiting the service, without having to follow formal access processes, provided the necessary service resources are available.

Following expiration of the three month cooling off period the person’s place within the service is formally terminated and a new referral/ intake assessment needs to be undertaken if the person requests service at some point in the future. Where the Participant consent to exit is not given as part of the entry process, participants is informed of their rights and responsibilities contained in the service agreement document.

Information regarding the reasons for being asked to leave the service will be provided and explained to the participant. CRT may implement a person’s exit under the following circumstances:

An inability or unwillingness over a period to work towards agreed goals

The individual is unwilling to meet the reasonable conditions required in their support plan and thus affecting the safe delivery of a service to the participant and the health and safety of the staff.

Other people using the service, staff or the person themselves are at risk of harm

There has been no contact between the person and CRT for a period of over 3 months

The individual and/or family member/ Carer engages in behaviour which is unacceptable to CRT such as violence, abuse, aggression, theft or property damage.

Continued non-payment of service delivery fees incurred during support and services provided by CRT.

Dramatic health changes require significantly increased levels of care or service model not provided by the service

The service exit will only be actioned after discussion and consultation with the person, their family/carer and other important stakeholders, and strategies have been implemented to meet irreconcilable differences.Determination and communication of the exit will be made by the General Manager after consultation with the CEO.

Participants wishing to make a complaint regarding their exit will be provided with details on the process of complaint. Files and Documentation Upon exit all documentation and information developed and implemented by selectability will remain the property of the service. All information in relation to the person will be retained, secured and stored within the services Participant Documentation Management Policy.


Participants/ Carer/ Person Responsible


Participants Name:

Participants NDIS ID:

Participants Address:


On behalf of Parricipant :


Person Responsible:

