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NDIS pricing and funding

The NDIS funding provides support to improve your every day life. The funding amount you receive is based on your plan and usually lasts for 12 months after your plan starts. Funding does not roll over to your next plan so any unused funding will be lost.

The NDIS pricing ranges from $44.61 per hour depending on the type of service you require and the state you live in. The price guide is updated by the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency) and is effective from the 1st July each year.

All CRT rates are set in line with the NDIS Price Guide.

This includes TTP loading where applicable. Please refer to the NDIS Price Guide or contact our staff for clarification.

  • Minimum Booking: 4-hour minimum service bookingper shift, 8 hours minimum engagement per week.
  • Overnight Sleepover: For every overnight sleepover,there must be at least four hours in conjunction with the sleepover period. If a CareChoice employee isrequired to work during the sleepover, a charge for the time worked at the relevant hourly rate will apply,with a
    minimum charge of one hour worked. Wheresuch work is more than one hour, a charge will be made at the relevant hourly rate for the time worked.
  • Shift allowances: If part of the requested shift falls between the hours of 8pm and 12am then Monday to Friday evening rate will be applied to the WHOLE shift. If part of the requested shift falls between the hours of 12am and 6am then the Monday to Friday active overnight rate will be applied to the WHOLE shift.
  • Shift Cancellations: CareChoice follow the NDIAcancellation policy, which is currently 2 business days, subject to change. If the cancellation notice is less than 2 business days, the entire rostered shift will be charged.
  • Rate Variation: Rates are subject to changes in accordance with NDIS rate increases.
    Effective Date: 1 July 2021
How does NDIS pricing fund works?

The NDIS allocations range from $44.61 per hour depending on the type of support service you require.

The NDIS price guide is updated annually by the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency), effective from July 1st each year. The most up to date
NDIS price guides can be found here.

What is NDIS funds?

The NDIS funds a range of supports and services that are:

  • Related to your disability needs
  • Help with your individual goals and aspirations
  • Will help your social or economic participation
  • Is value for money
  • Is effective and beneficial for you
  • Helps to maintain your informal supports

How you can use your NDIS funding

You can use your NDIS funding to pay for a variety of support and care services. Each plan is budgeted based on individual needs and goals. Support and care services for eligible NDIS participants fall into three categories:

Core: Support that helps a participant complete daily activities

Capital: Support for an investment, such as assistive technologies, equipment and home or vehicle modifications, or funding for capital costs such as SDA accommodation

Capacity building: Support that helps a
participant build their independence and skills